March 27, 2022
Our Second Grade students made their theatrical debuts in Freddie the Frog and the Mighty Meter Gnome. Mrs. Dawn Peterson our Saranac Elementary music teacher made sure these stu...

March 15, 2022
It is that time of year! The annual quilt raffle and sale to support the Dolly Parton Imagination Library of Ionia County. The program is available to any child birth to age 5 t...
February 22, 2022
The SERC Team, Kevin McGraw, and the Saranac Community Fire Department presented the staff with training on CPR and AED for our staff professional development. We would also like...

January 24, 2022
The Saranac community came up big again at Friday’s annual Purple Games raising a thousands of dollars for Ionia County Relay for Life. Mandy Mutschler and the Purple Committee put...
January 24, 2022
Thank you to Diana Smith and the high school student council members, as well as our staff chaperones, for putting together a wonderful dance to celebrate the end of exam week. I...

January 17, 2022
Congratulations to Cora Bangert, who has been selected by College Board for recognition as a Rural and Small Town Award winner for her outstanding performance on the SAT and AP ex...

January 10, 2022
Due to icy conditions on back roads Saranac will be closed Monday. Stay safe!

January 6, 2022
School Closed Thursday Jan 6, 2022 Be safe!

January 5, 2022
Congratulations to Megan Chipman (accompanied in the photo by her parents, Todd and Sue), who has committed to Albion College to continue her Cross Country career. Megan celebrat...

December 14, 2021
Congratulations to the following fall sports athletes who earned all-conference honors:
Cross Country:
1 st Team All-Conference:
Elijah Powell

December 14, 2021
Mr. Matt Stauffer led the middle and high school bands Monday evening as they performed their annual holiday concert. The bands each performed a number of songs on their own and t...

November 5, 2021
Students enrolled in Mr. Winsor's Intervention Period Elective class are creating their own fishing rods and eventually some tackle to go with said rods. This is a new course to t...
October 29, 2021
Ms. Studer and The JSH Drama students performed their fall play, 10 Ways to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse. This fun-filled comedy is a series of skits that kept the building ...

October 25, 2021
Last Friday, the varsity football and cheer squads honored family members who have fought cancer during the annual Purple Football Game. This event is one of many that are organi...
October 21, 2021
Today, The JSH staff and the National Honor Society presented the October PRIDE awards for Trustworthiness (High School) and Friendliness (Junior High), as well as individual Stud...

October 18, 2021
Friday, Ms. Johnson and Ms. Assaf's Peer 2 Peer Intervention class engaged in an egg drop competition, designing contraptions to protect eggs as they were dropped from the top o...

September 29, 2021
Congratulations to the Class of 2022! The seniors defeated the sophomore and junior class teams to finish their high school careers undefeated and with a fourth Powder Puff Footb...

September 28, 2021
Thank you to the National Honor Society students (pictured) who worked as servers at the annual Saranac Promise fundraiser dinner this past weekend. Thank you to the generous don...

September 9, 2021
For three years, Susann Young has coordinated an effort at the JSH to collect plastic caps for recycling. The efforts have resulted in thousands of pounds of caps gathered, which ...